Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

What memories come to mind when you think about you and I?

girl, you said it all! so I'm going to try and list the ones you didn't :) talking about boys in data and getting in shit for it. Grinton... in general. remember in photography when our pinhole camera was the fucking boss? and we stayed in the darkroom late that one day and used up sooo many of the bigger photo papers when we weren't supposed to :| teachers getting us mixed up (we do not look alike?!) so many sour keys, I need to say it again. we had such a good clan in history and world religions?! I'm just remembering now. ahhh man... keep in touch, please!!

Ask me anything!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

do you want to be there when the world ends?

I would want to be there to see how it happens. but I guess if it was quick it wouldn't really matter. I've had dreams about a slow destruction of earth, and everything is on fire and dark. I can never get to my family in the dream, and it's the worst fucking feeling. so that would make me want to say no. if there's going to be suffering, then no.

Ask me anything!

What did you dream about last night?

it was fucked. my ex's dad was driving us and my friends to some fucking ghetto part of town to stay at my friend's apartment. there were all these gangsters walking around and my ex's dad thought it best if he walked with us so we wouldn't get hurt. everyone also convinced me that I wouldn't get killed if I took my top off, so I just walked to this chick's house topless. so uncomfortable. the place was a dump, and everyone started dancing and I just wanted a shirt. and then my ex was all of a sudden black. yep.

Ask me anything!

What was your worst travel experience?

probably losing my passport in France and having to train it from Nice to Rome. sounds adventurous and oh so fun! but no. it was fucking hot and dirty and stinky and so confusing and tiring. took us 24 hours straight of just TRAINS. and lugging 4 suitcases up and down stairs and NO ONE WILL HELP YOU. oh and THEN. getting into Rome at 5am, no sleep, just disgusting. and then you can't get a hold of the rest of your family to come pick you up so you're just waiting. waiting. and hoping you see them. for hours. no. just no.

Ask me anything!

Have you broken any bones? If so, how?

never! knock on wood.

Ask me anything!

If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

I've seen Brand New, Manchester Orchestra, Coldplay, and Foo Fighters. I couldn't ask for any more! probably Weatherbox, if I had a choice.

Ask me anything!

what was your favorite thing about your relationship with eric?

wow, haha. that relationship seems so ancient, but I guess it's really only been a few years. it's funny how you only think you remember the bad things? hmmm... well since the relationship was more of a long distance one, there was a lot of phone calls. every night he'd play either Elliot Smith, Emily Haines or Feist on the guitar over the phone until I fell asleep, so that was a nice part.

Ask me anything!

What memories come to mind when you think about you and I?

in the backseat with you of Sara's car and Chelsey is in the front seat yelling obscenities out the window at people and you're giggling like a maniac. also, Jordan Matthews' house... vaguely. a blonde shaggy haircut. ab. a sign we need moar?

Ask me anything!

What memories come to mind when you think about you and I?

in the backseat with you of Sara's car and Chelsey is in the front seat yelling obscenities out the window at people and you're giggling like a maniac. also, Jordan Matthews' house... vaguely. a blonde shaggy haircut. ab. a sign we need moar?

Ask me anything!

If you were going to perform in the circus, what would you do?

bearded lady.

Ask me anything!

you know what's been pissing me off, teresa? the fact that I asked you for a little playlist a while ago and IVE NEVER GOT AN ANSWER! Don't think i've forgotten missy. I'm still waiting.

HAHA, shit. I thought you would forget about it. WHO ARE YOU? tell me and the playlist is yours.

Ask me anything!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What do you think is your most attractive feature?

my teeth.

Ask me anything!

What's the origin of your name?

Teresa is my mom's middle name and somebody's first name I can't remember, Clementina is my Grandma's first name and my greatgrandma's middle name which would also be somebody's first name. Haha, every name travels so far in Italian families, seriously. Maljar should be Maljarova (for females) which is Czechoslovakian (when it was) and it means painter.

Ask me anything!

What's the origin of your name?

Teresa is my mom's middle name and somebody's first name I can't remember, Clementina is my Grandma's first name and my greatgrandma's middle name which would also be somebody's first name. Haha, every name travels so far in Italian families, seriously. Maljar should be Maljarova which is Czechoslovakian (when it was) and it means painter.

Ask me anything!

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

omg The Notebook.

Ask me anything!

"why aren't you cuter..? type with more lettersss plz" someone used to say this to me all the time!? The irony being 'plz' has less letters than 'please' but ugh, yup...

haha, so weird! who has time to do these things??

Ask me anything!

how many tattoos do you have? what are they?

I have 4! a sparrow on my back, a quote on my ribs, a roman numeral 3 on my wrist, and a violin on my calf.

Ask me anything!

Do you have a nickname?

my friends call me T or Treece. to my family I'm Tita or Tetisina.

Ask me anything!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If you could bring anything home from a hotel room, what would you take?

I'm going to be living in one in less than 2 weeks muahahehe.

Ask me anything!

reading any books?

currently: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith

Ask me anything!

what do you do at the senior home?

I serve the residents in the dining room, mostly. every other weekend I work at the front desk as receptionist! recently, one of the resident's daughters has hired me to spent extra time with her mom. take her for walks, play bingo, draw with her, etc. I spend time with Daisy every tuesday and thursday afternoon.

Ask me anything!

Monday, August 15, 2011

What's your most-hated chore?

dishes, ugh. wet food makes me gag. the look, the texture :|

Ask me anything!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is one thing someone who is significant in your life today has taught you?

my mom just freaked the fuck out because she thought my dad and I were ganging up on her, so I guess she taught me never to underestimate menopause and how fucking crazy it makes a person.

Ask me anything!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's something you really want to do?

adopt and raise a puppy!!! and get married. (hey, Linds)

Ask me anything!

what is something you wish didn't exist?


Ask me anything!

do you answer all your formspring questions?

nope. read my bio!

Ask me anything!

What is your relationship like with your mother? what about your father?

mom: deep down, we agree on nothing. but she makes me laugh, so it's not always an argument. it's either one or the other: we're having the greatest time and bonding like crazy, or we fucking hate each other.

dad: I take after him in the way that we keep things to ourselves, so we never have much to say to each other. he's never been an emotional or loving person, and I've finally learned not to resent him for that. so I'd say it's comfortable between us, now.

Ask me anything!

do you prefer to be in a group or alone?

if it's a small group with my close friends, I'll be there.

Ask me anything!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do you have a strange addiction/habit? If so, what is it?

no, I can't say I do miss.

Ask me anything!

whose your best friend?

I only have a handful of people in my life other than my family that actually mean something to me. so all 4 of them!

Ask me anything!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Finish the sentence: In conclusion.....

I know nothin'.

Ask me anything!

Are you open minded to being open minded?


Ask me anything!

Important question. How do you feel about Maroon 5?

haha, whoa! one of their songs came on the radio today while I was getting ready for work and I was like, "damn, Maroon 5." too weird. I was into them back in the day!

Ask me anything!

what upsets you? what makes you happy?

sometimes the same thing for both! people, mostly. but my dog never upsets me.

Ask me anything!

what is your most prized possession?

I don't know, nothing material I can think of. probably my emotional strength!

Ask me anything!

are you/have you ever been in love? was/is it a positive or negative experience, why?

yes and both. love isn't always la la land and lollipops, but if it was I don't think it'd be love at all.

Ask me anything!

what was/is your best subject in school?

english, go figure.

Ask me anything!

what is something you have had to learn "the hard way"?

that shitty people exist.

Ask me anything!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's the secret to happiness?

to love and be loved in return ...maybe.

Ask me anything!

What's your biggest phobia?

I'm scared of the dark, but I'm TERRIFIED of the forrest in the dark. holy fuck.

Ask me anything!

What has been the hardest decision you have had to make in your life so far?

removing people, it never gets easier.

Ask me anything!

When you think about yourself, what are some things that come to mind?

violin, my tattoos, silver jewellery, purple, boy.

Ask me anything!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Do you love yourself? Are you in love with yourself?

I don't know how that is supposed to feel ... I mean, it's me. can you ever really "look" at yourself to even make that decision? who's looking at you looking? you'll never see your entire self because you are constantly your entire self, you can't separate it. are you with me here?! mindfuck. I'm so tired.

Ask me anything!

Respond: "When you leave this place, do everything in your power to live an interesting life."

too forced. let the chips fall where they may, but always be accepting and willing.

Ask me anything!

if you could go back in time and experience anything, what would it be?

maybe a couple new years agooooooo.

Ask me anything!

What do you follow?

my brain, mostly. but I'm learning to experiment!

Ask me anything!

Where do you think you would be without the people currently in your life?

well, without my family I would be nothing. they're the constant ones, the others come and go. I'm here now because of me. any direction or decision or change I've made can be traced back to the same body, so I doubt my whereabouts would be different. perhaps if I had some more consistent people in my life from the start, they would be!

Ask me anything!

What do you love about yourself?

that I can make people laugh.

Ask me anything!

What are some things that you tend to worry about the most?

not being on time, my loved ones dying, money.

Ask me anything!

What's something you've leaned from a stranger?

watch where you're going.

Ask me anything!

Favourite teacher? Why them?

Mr. D because he made me realize my potential. he was the first and only one that saw anything remotely unique and special in me, specifically with my writing. he was an english major himself, and he used to bring me all these university booklets.. he basically planned my future, haha. he was always so excited for me, and he constantly pushed me to go further with my dreams. I remember he told me that if he ever had a daughter, he hoped she would be like me. which was pretty sweet to hear.

Ask me anything!

What are 2 things that you believe teens/young adults should be more educated about?


Ask me anything!

What would you rather keep to yourself than express? Why not let it out?

meh, keep to myself. more often than not, things get misunderstood and misinterpreted, and most people just wait for their turn to talk. I know what's good for me.

Ask me anything!

Tell me about the last book you read. Why did you choose it, and why did you continue flipping pages?

The Giver! I remember reading it in grade 6 and really enjoying it. I understood it a lot more this time around.

Ask me anything!

Protector or protectee? Interpret that as you wish.

I think protectee is inevitable! I like it.

Ask me anything!

Big spoon or little spoon?!?!?

little spoon!! aww.. but big spoon is funny sometimes, too.

Ask me anything!

when is your birthday, how long until you're 19?

june 2nd! a while.

Ask me anything!