Sunday, January 16, 2011

how would you describe yourself ? specifically your style, your humour, your personality, your beliefs?

This is the worst question ever, haha. I'm so bad at this! I think my style is simple. my humour isn't geared towards anybody, I mostly just make myself laugh and happen to catch a few others on the way. I'm loud and obnoxious most of the time, but I do have a serious side. You just have to catch me at the right time, I guess. I don't have much else to say about my personality, haha. my beliefs: put on hold. In my opinion, I'm way too young and I haven't gained nearly enough wisdom in my life to decide what I think is real and what is not. I know how I was raised, and that'll always be with me, and I know what else is out there. But I haven't gathered enough information myself to make a concrete response. I believe in faith, though. I think it's very powerful.

Ask me anything!

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