zombie food.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
If you were an animal, which do you think you'd be? Why? What about me?
I thought I'd be something cool, until my friends told me I'd be a pony. A PONY. their logic was that ponies are assholes. I really don't know, now. for you... a panther. very sleek, poised and careful, but shouldn't be tested.
If you were an animal, which do you think you'd be? Why? What about me?
I thought I'd be something cool, until my friends told me I'd be a pony. A PONY. they're logic was that ponies are assholes. I really don't know, now. for you... a panther. very sleek, poised and careful, but shouldn't be tested.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
what's a song you can play on the violin? you never play for anyone so how can we know how you are lol
haha, uhhhhh. I don't know! classical music isn't quite as simple when it comes to song titles.
Do you believe in a universal moral code, beyond all specifics and pieces of each individual's sense of what is right and wrong?
maybe. we lived once without one, right? it came from somewhere, these ideas of right and wrong that are (for the most part) agreeable amongst us. hmmmMmmMmmMmm.
Would you consider yourself a risk taker? In what respect(s)?
I'm so scared of settling to the point that I'll run away from something good for me if I believe I'm playing it too safe. risks are good, essential for me. but every so often they just turn into fuck ups.
What scares you about the/your future?
money, losing people, growing old, what if, regret, the economy, the environment, addictions, cancer, the end.
To you, what is an artist? By this definition, would you consider yourself one?
it has a lot to do with creation rather than duplication (of images, ideas, etc). there's an incredible difference between an artist and simply a good painter. like the ocean and a puddle. and no, I wouldn't consider myself one.
How do you determine your own personal "favourites"? Is it a process to be consciously worked on, or is it something that is naturally there from within?
it just happens! I can usually tell when something is going to be a favourite right away, and time just confirms it.
Who was the last person you met, and what was your first impression of them? Would you like to see them again? Why or why not?
some girl, I can't remember her name, who is staying in the same residence as me. I wouldn't really care to see her again, since she was completely full of attitude with her mom and the tour guide. bye bye.
What makes you upset? Angry? Sad?
I used to think I knew, until certain tragic things would happen that surely would provoke a typical emotion and yet nothing would happen in me. on the other hand, mundane things like a simple look can have me in ruins. moment by moment, I surprise myself.
To you, what is an artist? By this definition, would you consider yourself one?
to me, an artist is somebody who creates not duplicates. there is an incredible difference between an artist and a good painter, like the ocean and a puddle. and no, I wouldn't consider myself one!
To you, what is an artist? By this definition, would you consider yourself one?
I don't exactly know what an artist is, but I know that it has a great deal to do with creation. I do, however, think that there is an incredibly large and vast space between an artist and a good painter. people get them confused. and no, I wouldn't consider myself one.
Are you a good person? How are you sure?
I've been struggling with this question long, long before it appeared here now. any ounce of belief that I am is difficult to sustain when I only hear otherwise. so really, I'm not sure.
is lindsey your new best friend?
I don't know what you mean by 'new'! we've been close for over 4 years.
What is something that I have taught you, if anything at all, that you think is worth mentioning?
we've never actually *really* spoken! we mainly converse through questions on this thing and get to know each other through our responses, haha. but it's a start! you seem like a really sweet girl, who I'm sure I could learn a few things from.
Do you believe that the world would continue to exist unperceived?
interesting. I haven't given it enough thought to make a decision! but maybe now I will.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Would you recommend doing ib English? How did you do? Are 6's and 7s possible?
I would highly recommend it if you enjoy english. I adored that class. It not only taught me a lot of useful techniques and tips when dealing with any and all things english, but it changed my entire thought process. It was good, though. the way my brain functions when I'm in that environment feels the most natural and effortless, like that's the way it should always be. It's when I feel at my best. but that's not going to be the same for everybody, there were a few that dreaded stepping into that room. absolutely 6's and 7's are possible! they hype it up too much, I think. I got 7's on both my mock exams. you just have to put the work in, of course. but it won't feel like work if you enjoy it. I got 90% the first semester and 93% the second.
Would you recommend doing ib English? How did you do? Are 6's and 7s possible?
I would highly recommend it if you enjoy english. I adored that class. It not only taught me a lot of useful techniques and tips when dealing with any and all things english, but it changed my entire thought process. It was good, though. the way my brain functions when I'm in that environment feels the most natural and effortless, like that's the way it should always be. It's when I feel at my best. but that's not going to be the same for everybody, there were a few that dreaded stepping into that room. absolutely 6's and 7's are possible! they hype it up too much, I think. I got 7's on both my mock exams. you just have to put the work in, of course. but it won't feel like work if you enjoy it.
Who is your favourite fictional character?
all I can think about is Peter Griffin, mmmaahaha. what a riot.
What is something that I have taught you, if anything at all, that you think is worth mentioning?
we're not close enough for me to mention anything specific, but judging from what I've seen and read, I feel as if there's a lot I could learn from you. fair?
What is a flaw of mine, in your opinion?
I can't say I know you well enough to pick out any! which I'm a little grateful for, haha. I hate picking people apart to their face.
Do you believe that everyone is a little bisexual, or curious at the bare minimum?
giving it some thought as to what you might be into is perfectly healthy. I wouldn't say that everyone is a little bisexual, but I wouldn't exactly say that someone is 100% straight/gay, either. love is love.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Above all else, what do you believe in?
that's there just so much we can't possibly know or begin to understand.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
tell me a secret about yourself
I just want to find my husband. f dating and this painful process of elimination, I'm ready for ya. Lindsey, too. much appreciated!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What are some things that are important to you?
relationships, well-being, adventure, risks, experience, positivity, flow and acceptance. just some of 'em!
Describe an ideal Sunday.
spaghetti and meatballs and delicious Italian cuisine at my Nonna's house in her basement, the entire clan seated at one long (very loud) table. every single Sunday until she passed, she made sure we learned the meaning and importance of family. since then, my grandma's taken the responsibility of carrying on the tradition. I hope that someday I will, too!
Monday, July 18, 2011
What is something people don't seem to know about you?
anybody who knows me admits to being intimidated by me before knowing me. which is silly stuff! I don't bite, and that's for everyone to know.
What is something that I have taught you, if anything at all, that you think is worth mentioning?
the importance of your mind taking a backseat.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What is your favourite tv show?
I'm deeply attached to Sex and the City, hahaha. Dexter's always a good one, too!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Have you ever ridden a horse? and if so, did you like it?
I have! only twice. the first time I was 5 and it decided to fuck the path and run away and I steered it back like a boss. the second time was last year in Quebec and I was so ridiculously hungover and unwilling to learn french. the horse's name was also Tequila, which was fitting! haha, horses are alright I guess.
Harry Potter opens today. If you were going to cast a magic spell, what spell would you cast?
have no interest in Harry Pooper, sorry
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What do you love most about the country you live in?
our pride!! seen through anything we do (olympics, hockey, BEER) I fucking love being apart of this beautiful country and being able to say that I'm Canadian. I didn't realize it until I spent a month in Europe, holy hell did I miss this wonderful piece of land.
What is a quote/saying you love and/or live by?
spoken by my mommy and never forgotten, "you get out of a relationship what you put into it." most powerful impact any saying's ever had on me, fo sho.
What do you love most about the country you live in?
our pride! seen through anything we do (olympics, hockey, BEER) I absolutely love being Canadian, never met one who doesn't.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
are you and mary still close?
we've been pretty busy with our own lives n whatnot but we're still pals!
What has been the best part about your summer so far?
I'm not sure! probably just finding contentment in the moment.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Do you believe in the one for now, or the one forever?
I believe in the one for now, and the one from now on. It doesn't have to be one or the other, I think both can happen.
What do you think would happen if apes took over? #apeswillrise
they'd look at my nostrils and adopt me.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
mine? uhhhm.. my friends mostly just call me T! my family calls me Tita or Tetisina. Treece is always a safe bet, too.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
what are your measurements? like bust waist hips height
haha, whoa! uhmm. height: 5'7"ish
I haven't been measured for the others in a little over a year, but at the time I was 32' 22' 34'. I don't think I've changed much since then, so hopefully that answers your question?!
What's the most fun thing you have going on this week?
my weeks don't consist of much anymore! basically work and yoga. it's fun for me, though!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?
10 years from now, just to make sure I made it.
What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?
a week, haha. so disgusting. my ovarian cyst burst and I was in bed the entire time on codeine, absolutely wiped.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
if you could pick one city to live in, anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
for how long?! I'd like to live in a lot of places over the years, just temporarily. I'm not sure where I'd like to settle down, though. somewhere close to home.
if you could pick one city to live in, anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
probably Ottawa. before it was trendy as fuck.
Would you rather do something you love for a living and have a lower salary or do something you don't like very much but are good at and have a higher salary?
this is tough, and people are lying if they say it isn't! I would love to do something that I enjoy for a living, but having enough money is important these days. It would depend on how low/high the salaries are.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Where would you like to spend your retirement?
I'd love to open up my own shop/cafe before I retire. I don't want to waste away, I'd like to stay productive and keep my heart invested into something I love.
What are you most excited about right now?
MONTREAAAALLL YEAAAAAHHHHHHH ... and pretty much everything else that's to come the rest of this year. change is in effect, and I'm glad. I need a new scene.
Monday, July 4, 2011
What U.S. city do you most want to visit?
holy, so many! such a fixation with the southern states lately. Jackson, Mississippi.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
probably what my mom often tells me. "don't do what I did."
Are you a morning or night person?
hmm, I don't know! it differs. I'd like to say night, but sometimes I can be a very sleepy bear.
Would you rather be hurt physically or emotionally? Why?
physically! I have a very high pain tolerance. the latter, not so much.