what was the best moment of your life, so far?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Who is your best friend and how did you meet him/her?
OMG MARY. We've known each other our whole lives (well, kindergarten on) but we both thought the other one hated the other, so we didn't become close until grade 10 (?) it's ridiculous, I know.
What is something you admire and/or value most in another person? Do you think you possess this quality within yourself, or is it one you wish you did?
Jessica Guyon. She is one of the most admirable people I know! She has such a good sense of people, and she can see auras. She is so in touch with her spirituality and intuitive nature, I envy her. She's just so open to everything! She has a Christian fish tattoo and I saw her reading a book on Buddhist practices. She's looking for answers, and it's amazing. Too many kids our age think that they've got it all figured out, and what they figured out is that there's nothing to any of this. Yet, none of them had bothered doing any research whatsoever. I'm really learning from Jessica, because of this. I have the capability, everyone does, of maintaining an open mind. It just takes practice! I think it's the most admirable quality in a person, if you ask me.
what's the first song you choose on your ipod currently?
My iPod's been dead for a while and I'm too lazy to charge it, haha. So usually I just YouTube Gaga's new song Judas..... :$
Monday, April 18, 2011
What is the hardest thing you have had to overcome in your life?
honestly speaking, I've had a pretty good life. I've had my tough parts like anyone else, but they've all been relatively easy to get through. I haven't experienced anything truly that devastating, yet. I count myself very lucky!
who was the last person you met?
A new resident at the senior home I work at. It's awful, but I can't remember her name at the moment! Aw, she is so sweet and smiley.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
who is your favorite person, at the moment?
that's tough, I love everybody in my life right now for different reasons.
Would you rather hang out with a small group of friends or a large group?
almost always, a small group. It's just more intimate and enjoyable. a large group is fun sometimes, too!
Friday, April 15, 2011
wtf i always see "what do you think of ____ ?" questions but never about me :/ so fucking random
well sumbodie wus thinkin of u
Thursday, April 14, 2011
When I read that (vvv) I thought you meant literally taking a wrong turn on the road. o.O derp.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
What is the one thing you fear most?
Realizing I took a wrong turn somewhere in the road when it's too late to turn back: ending up with a ring from the wrong man, pursuing the "safe" career, settling for less because it's easier. I'm terrified of being haunted by lost possibilities.
Just out of curiosity, um, do you do drugs or smoke?
I don't do drugs, but I'll smoke a cigarette on occasion.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Do you believe in second chances? When, would you say, are the times when they should not be granted? Why?
Generally, I do believe in second chances. People need room to make mistakes, even me. It's a part of life. Although, I can see how sometimes it could be difficult to grant them. The times they should not be granted? I'm not sure, it's completely situational.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Did you also get accepted to UofT? Are you still going to Ryerson? Whats the deal?
I got accepted into both, and it was narrowed down to the two. Well, I chose Ryerson! Sorry, I know I'm confusing.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
what's your favorite Brand New song?
ugh! It seems like there's one for every single occasion. overall, either Jesus Christ or Not The Sun.
why devil and god?
If I could write an album, it would be Devil and God. The lyrics, the instrumental, the theme, the mood. Of course it wouldn't be the same without Jesse Lacey. Every single song is brilliant, it rocks my fuckin' world.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Have you ever hated your life, in general? What did you hate about it? Have you found away around the hatred? What did you do to rid the hate? What will you do to prevent the hatred from coming back, if you've ever experienced it before?
I hated my life through most of elementary school. I had absolutely no backbone or confidence, so I was taken advantage of a lot. I just wanted to please everyone else, and in return I got stomped on and back stabbed. It made me more upset than I could bear at times, but I never showed it. I had always just convinced myself it was me who was wrong. Little girls can be so cruel and jealous, and I'll never forget that. I was unaware of it then, but now it's crystal clear. I stood up for myself in grade 9, after my boyfriend forced me to, and that was the beginning of an entire new (happy) me. To prevent those feelings from coming back, well, I moved to Bateman.
If you have one, why is your favourite colour your favourite colour? Favourite song? Band? Album? Painting? Piece of art? Place? Object?
colour: purple
song: whether it's the original or the acoustic version, Everlong by Foo Fighters. I just... I can't say anything else.
band: Brand New
album: The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me
painting: I feel like I've seen it before, but I can't remember it.
piece of art: Winged Victory of Samothrace
place: home, as it changes.
object: my moleskine journal.
what is some philosphy that you have received that has truly helped you or changed your life in away?
I was going through a tough time once, and I was basically questioning whether I was a good friend or not. I will never, ever forget what my mom told me. She said, "You get out of a relationship what you put into it." Those words struck such a deep chord. It answered my question, and flicked a little switch inside of me. Suddenly it all made sense, and I've had this new passion for relationships ever since. Not even with friends, but family and lovers too.
Have you ever thought about starting a romantic relationship with a best friend? What turned you onto or off of the idea of it?
I've definitely thought about it, but it was short-lived. I would never want to jeopardize a strong friendship over a shot at romance. Usually when it fails, it's difficult to get back into an innocent friendship. I wouldn't want to push the limits.
I'm so glad you love Mrs. Hrysko, everyone always said they hated her and I always LOVED her. We just got each other, I love her humour so much. She also came into winners all the time when I worked there, she's such a glamour girl.
haha, she was so ridiculous (coming from a fellow ridiculous person). I don't understand who could hate her! no wonder, she always has the most fashionista outfits. all colour coordinated and perfectly matched, I miss that woman.
least favorite teacher in bateman? most favorite teacher? who did you have for datamanagement?
I really did not like Mrs. Broe. She was the worst English teacher I've ever had, and she was slightly nuts. Going from her to IB was like black and white! I really, really liked Hrysko and Ellement. Ha, both history teachers! I just got along really well with both of them, and I felt like they understood me. Mr. Muir was incredible in terms of his teaching style. He made me love math, and I got an awesome mark in his class. I had Grinton for data!
im just a munchkin in gr 11 but you dont need to know who i am. just be happy that you matter to a stranger, cause you do!
Aw, I really wish you'd tell me. Maybe you could be an inspiration to me as well! Thank you, though :)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
you truly inspire me. it's a little anomalous but i have no issue with it because i think if theres anyone to be inspired by, being inspired by you is a good choice - you're a good person, you have morals, and you dont give up on yourself
this completely lifted my spirits. no one's ever told me I inspired them before! I feel honored/totally unworthy, thank you. who are you?!
Friday, April 1, 2011
What makes you you?
It's funny, because there's been a reoccurring theme in my life lately. In the books I read, the people I know, the questions I have. The concept of identity can be such a crisis. I couldn't tell you what makes Teresa, Teresa. I'm not unhappy with that, however. I've only had 17 years with myself, and my slate is still very clean. I strongly believe that experiences shape a large portion of a person, and I haven't nearly gone through enough to know what's rooted deeply underneath it all. However, I'm grateful for the time that I have left to learn about myself (hopefully it's a large number of years!) Come back to me again with this question, and on my death bed I'll tell you what part of Teresa I've carried with me until the end.
What does "Never Settle" mean to you?
Applying to college for a general business diploma, having a mental breakdown, and then applying to university last minute to study English language and literature. And then getting accepted.
Do what your heart really wants you to do, and fuck everything else.