god, such a fair mixture. crazy and obnoxious and emotional like my mom. secretive and cold and put together like my dad. my parents are complete opposites, literally. my mom is fur, my dad stone. my mom colour, my dad black and white. my mom was a band guy lover, rock n roller, drug experimenting free spirit -- my dad was a cop. hahaha. I'm somewhere in there, for sure.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
What family member are you most like? Explain it!
god, such a fair mixture. crazy and obnoxious and emotional like my mom. secretive and cold and put together like my dad. my parents are complete opposites, literally. my mom is fur, my dad stone. my mom colour, my dad black and white. spontaneity vs. order. and I'm somewhere in there!
If you had to choose 1 of your friends or family members to live with, who would it be and why? Do you think it would enrich your relationship?
my sister! because I did once. she's been out of the house for a long time now, but I got the chance to live with her for a month in Europe again. we just... work. it's really, really nice. our relationship enriches by the day as we grow older and more understanding of each other. so absolutely!
What do you tell yourself regularly?
"you'll never see these people again" is a big one, haha. but sometimes... I do.
Why do you get out of bed every morning?
because I have to! or else I'd stay there all day, get fired from my job, and learn nothing. wouldn't that be nice.
What is something tangible that scares you? What is something intangible that scares you? Why do you think these fears exist? Do you think you will ever overcome them?
I'm really, really afraid of the dark. that's the main one. I'm not even embarrassed to admit it now! I used to be, though. anywhere. even a familiar place, my chest grows heavy and I get panicky, nervous. even if it's for a moment, turning the lights off when I leave a room. I need to have a trail of light ahead of me. it's an awful feeling. you won't see it if you're with me, but it's under wraps constantly! this gut twisting feeling, my steps become a little quicker and my eyes dart in every direction. UGH. I can't even think about it. like, if my lights shut off right NOW. I'd die.
I was trying to figure this out before, trying to figure out where it came from, and this one memory popped up. my house was pretty weird for a while when I was younger, paranormal occurrences were regular. shit got really bad, heavy, and we had 2 exorcisms performed on the house before it was okay. most of it happened to my mom and my sister, and in my sister's room (my room, now). anyway, it was in the middle of all that, and my sister was at home babysitting my brother and I. we were all in my sister's room at night, just doing nothing. she left the room to go get something, and my brother got up to leave too. before exiting, he shut off the lights and closed the door, leaving me inside her room. I remember being so terrified! I didn't know what was in there, and that was the worst part. I was screaming, crying and banging on the door begging him to let me out. but he wouldn't! My sister eventually heard me and let me out, giving my brother hell. but yeah, it could have been that. but I don't know! I don't know if I'll overcome it, but I hope I do!
What do you do when you feel down?
pretend I'm the singer of a band and that I wrote all these sad songs that I listen to hahaha I'm not kidding. shit. makes me feel better, because I know I didn't write them - and then all of a sudden I'm not so alone!
Why do you regret the things that you regret, if you have any regrets at all?
I always regret things at first, and then I look back and I'm like, "well shit, that really needed to happen."
Have you ever felt emotionally naked?
no, I can't say I have. I do a pretty good job at keeping a handle on my emotions, some of 'em never surfacing at all. good or bad, you tell me!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
no, no. just no. it completely lacks logic, if you ask me.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
What's your honest opinion of me? (if you're brave you'll press ask followers)
don't know you well enough!
What are some simple things that make you happy?
i wrote and rewrote and rewrote lists for this and I realized that there are many simple things that make me happy, but only if I have somebody to share them with. simple as that!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
What is love to you, in only 1 sentence?
you make the decision to love another person, and that little bastard holds on through *everything*.
(none of this "falling out of love". you didn't have it in the first place, then.)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
how would you define beauty?
after writing an entire essay on it literally just now, and trying to prepare a presentation on it for tomorrow... I don't want to deal with it right now, hahaha.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Under what circumstances do you feel most inspired? And least?
most: alone. absolutely alone.
least: opposite ^
Respond: "I need to be alone to see if I need to be with you."
you don't realize how insanely appropriate this is for me right now. only understandable once you're the one saying it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
When you were little, where was the best hiding place when playing hide'n seek?
ugh I was always so bad at that. underneath a chair.
are you in love? if so whats it like
I wouldn't say that I'm in love, because I feel as if it's grown way passed that, onto loving. I never thought I'd say it, but there's a difference between the two. and the real one is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Have you ever been told that you've changed? How did it feel? How did you react?
Kind of. It was in grade 8, when I really rooted myself. Established the Teresa I am today. with my teacher's encouragement, I started reading and writing a lot. I really started expanding on my passions and abilities, and my friends at the time didn't like it. I remember: "you think you're better than everyone else because you read books." I felt sad that they couldn't understand. However, that change (for the better) had to happen for me to ever be happy with myself. Haven't looked back since!
cheesy, but true: http://vi.sualize.us/thumbs/c0/6a/inspiration,quote,change,changed,saying,pics,someone-c06ae6b1b221a84161823c8974266795_h.jpg
Have you ever been told that you've changed? How did it feel? How did you react?
Kind of. It was in grade 8, when I really rooted myself. Established the Teresa I am today. with my teacher's encouragement, I started reading and writing a lot. I really started expanding on my passions and abilities, and my friends at the time didn't like it. I remember: "you think you're better than everyone else because you read books." I felt sad that they couldn't understand. However, that change (for the better) had to happen for me to ever be happy with myself. Haven't looked back since!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What are the top 3 qualities you look for in the opposite sex? And oppositely, what would you say is the biggest dealbreaker?
I look for a sense of humour, an open mind, and experience (maturity, essentially). biggest dealbreaker, hmmmm. just don't be a sleaze!
What's the best thing that has happened to you so far in 2011?
I feel as if everything exciting is to come.
what's your favourite song and/or (musical) artist currently?
lotsa Foo Fighters lately. and Bright Eyes, but there's always Bright Eyes.
What was the last thing you did that took courage? What was the last thing you did that you regret doing?
it took courage for me to kick this guy out of my house last night but I regret not kicking his bitch out too.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
what is more motivating, the thought of success or the fear of failure?
great question. I'm going to say the thought of success, it's way more positive than the latter!
would you ever experiment with a 3 some just tooo discover what it feels like from both directions/same time?
no, sex means more to me than that. one on one is best, I don't wanna share/be shared.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
What always makes you laugh? Alternatively, what always makes you cry?
everything makes me laugh. hilarious moments, TERRIBLE moments. life can be really, really funny if you let it be! I'll have to say the most consistent is my sister. she made me puke at the dinner table once from making me laugh so hard. then of course we laughed even harder, it was painful. I have to talk myself out of peeing in my pants most times, too. funny, funny fucking girl.
the scene in Candy when the baby's a still born. LOSE IT. always cry. I actually cry very easily, and often. just secretly.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
What is something you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
a good sense of humor, preferably one that matches mine. I wanna have fun, is all!
What is something embarrassing that has happened to you? Are you able to look back now and laugh at it?
omg fuck my life, too embarrassing to even say hahaha but if you know, YOU KNOW. of course I'll laugh at it ... eventually.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
What is the weirdest thing you will ever admit to having done in the past?
I was in grade 9 and I really didn't want to go to school. I'm terrible at faking sick because I'm an awful liar and my mom always knows, so I tried thinking of ways to actually make myself sick. I was half asleep through all of this, in my bed. I decided that it would be a good idea to punch myself in the stomach, and that it would probably make me sick. So I punched myself as hard as I could in the stomach. I ended up going to school.
How was your birthday!?
It was ... eye opening in the worst and best ways, I guess I'll say! there's good ones and bad ones, right?
Friday, June 3, 2011
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?
Older, for the most part. I can be pretty immature sometimes, though. hahaha.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
You said you felt like you were late to the job fair, in response to my question. Just thought I'd say that I think it sets you up to be the best surprise. Which your friends will love to see and you will love to live! Enjoy.
wow, thank you! I know exactly what question you're talking about. a surprise, hmmm maybe. if anyone was willing to dig.